Celebrating our work on World Health Day


This World Health Day, 7 April 2022, Cambridge Clinical Laboratories is taking the opportunity to tell you more about who we are and what we do. 


Introducing new technologies

We started our journey as Lab 21 in 2005. The objective for the company back then was to be a lab for the 21st century – a lab that would be an early adopter of new technologies for diagnostics. To offer personalised medicine and introduce new novel technologies and assays to help UK healthcare. This is still very much our aim today.

Core to the company’s stability is our people – many who have been around since the beginning. We are led by CEO Tony Cooke, who is a founding member. 

2020 threw a huge curveball for the world in the form of the Covid-19 pandemic. We reacted quickly and supported the UK’s efforts with care home, hotspot and private testing. Moving forward we plan to return to our roots; concentrating on how we can support the NHS to recover, looking at what new technologies we can introduce to the UK market, and how we can help individuals take personal responsibility for their health. 


Improving Oncology diagnostics

Prior to Covid-19, and moving forward, our efforts are focused on improving diagnostics and pathways in the Oncology and Virology fields. This year we have launched a new suite of tests that is set to revolutionise the prostate cancer pathway in the UK, alongside opening up the availability of the FIT test (Faecal Immunochemical Test) to all to improve screening and speed up diagnosis of Bowel Cancer. With much more coming.

CCL CEO Dr Anthony Cooke says: “Following the Covid-19 pandemic waiting times for cancer referral and treatment at record high. The new tests we are launching will help to ease the pressure of the NHS and support patients to take more of a lead with their healthcare. CCL wants to help; we know our tests will improve the lives of many.”


Find out more about Cambridge Clinical Laboratories

If you want to know more about CCL you can follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn